Not a dry eye in the house. Brentina looked great, (if not a little baffled by what they were supposed to be doing there) especially after colic surgery a couple of months ago. Debbie rode her into the arena at a walk with just a single spotlight on the pair, they made their way around the circumference of the Thomas-Mack center arena to a cheering crowd. Many, including Debbie and this photographer, with tears in their eyes. My own emotions stemmed from several things. The recent colic surgery had scared me and I was first focusing on the fact that she had survived such a scare and recovered well. Having lost 3 horses after colic surgery over the span of a 10 year period, (one to a congenital defect, 1 we had not taken delivery on yet and the third from impaction and subsequent laminitis) I had been very concerned about her.
Then there was the fact a mare of similar bloodlines that I had bred and kept for 9 years until we got out of horse ownership althogether, looked SO much like Brentina, Bounty shares the color, body build, movement, head, right down to the little star on the forehead... it was quite a shock the first time that I saw Brentina. I figured no one would believe me if I said "I had a mare JUST LIKE THAT". But of course the Bolero-Grande bloodline is rather prepotent.
Debbie's obvious love and connection with Brentina. I knew it would be hard to take that last ride and remove that saddle for the big mama's retirement cooler and wreath of red roses. And it was. The emotions on Debbie's face said it all. Bittersweet. On the way out, Brentina passaged, requiring Debbie to hold her back a bit so that she could keep up. Brentina is obviously ready for that retirement stuff she has been promised.
I will remember Brentina out in that arena performing her heart out, commanding respect and receiving all our love and admiration. We will miss you Brentina and I doubt we will forget you.
R E S P E C T just a whole lot.
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