Monday, July 21, 2008

We Visit Joan of Arc

Today I met with fellow photographers Sharon Fibelkorn and Cyndie Planck and her daughter Emily.
We had arranged for a luncheon, but decided to visit Joan of Arc first. Joan is a statue given to the city of Portland by Henry Waldo Coe to honor those returning home from WW I. This statue was restored not too many years ago, after sitting in the round about intersection of 39th and Glisan, dull in finish and covered in bird droppings for decades. It was restored (shockingly)all in bright gold gilt.

So today was the day we would meet Joan up close and personal and take her picture.
Here are a few samples from each one of us just having a little fun with our images. It was a fun little exercise and interesting to see how each of us chose and treated our image.

Taking the time to get close to the statue and study it through the lens was something that I had wanted to do for a long time. The movement and details of the horse is wonderful and of course Joan's story is an old favorite. I'm glad I took the time to stop and take the time to appreciate this statue and its bright gold gilt. We've decided to come back during other times of the day and see how the change in the light changes our perspective on Joan and her horse's finer points.
Its summer and the world is full of interesting subjects. Get out and take some photos of things you pass by frequently but never seem to take the time to stop and get to know. Its fun! Thanks Sharon, Cyndie and Emily for a fun day....and Joan.

1 comment:

Wingnut said...

Hi Mary! Thanks for such a fun day, Emily is already asking to do it again, so it couldn't have been THAT boring :).

Very cool shots! I had a few so it was hard to pick just one.

Can't wait to do it again some time.