Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Dressage at Devonwood Photos

10,000 photos in process! This is the part that few get to see or think about. What happens with all of those images that are taken during the show. We had a record number of horses signed up for photographs so handling the extra images will take a bit of extra time. The images above were taken by my nephew and worthy office assistant, Anthony Coslett. He has a great eye for things inanimate, particularly urban grunge and architectural lines. Things most people walk right past and don't notice. I am liking his view through the lens, so I asked him to give us his perspective on a subject rather foreign to him... dressage horses and riders.

Until the rider galleries are up, I have created a general scenes gallery of the show. Scenes from Dressage at Devonwood
In the meantime, I am double checking that we have the right horses in their proper folders, renumbering, copying to a third back up hard drive, editing out the culls, editing again, running each batch through Adobe's LightRoom to adjust the color and contrast of the images and crop them. Then making proofs and uploading each to their specific gallery... oh yeah, I have to make each specific gallery first...and on to the paperwork created by all of this.
I'll be ready to do it again in two weeks for the ODS Breeders Showcase I & II shows at Devonwood. Mares and babies and stallions...oh my.

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